Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5
Tuesday 11-5
Office Hours:
Lab Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30-4:30
Tuesday 11-4:30
Test Results:
Please do not call our office for lab and xray results unless you have been asked to call. We will call you promptly if your results are abnormal. We will not call you with normal results.
Our office policy is to allow 3 days to fill a prescription. It is very important for you to call our office for refills before your medication is gone. You can request a refill by calling 207-370-3100 and choosing the prompt for your doctor. If you reach a voice mail box, in order for us to best serve you, please listen carefully and follow the instructions that will be given to you.
Rheumatology Associates was founded in 1974. We are the largest rheumatology practice in northern New England and provide comprehensive rheumatology services throughout the state of Maine and parts of New Hampshire. Our rheumatologists are all board certified in rheumatology and our physician assistants are well trained, experienced and supervised in the evaluation of patients with rheumatologic problems.
Office Procedures:
We are an independent practice that strives to provide the best state-of-the-art rheumatologic care possible. Our doctors and physician assistants consider each patient as an individual with unique problems and as such listen carefully and plan an evaluation and treatment unique to that patient's needs. We are proud of our staff of receptionists, nurses and lab and xray technicians who work hard to assist the clinicians in caring for our patients.
メイン州のリウマチ専門クリニック、Rheumatology Associatesは、リウマチ性疾患の患者様向けに、最新の診断方法と治療オプションを提供しています。経験豊富な医師たちが、慢性的な痛みや炎症に対する個別の治療計画を立案し、あらゆる年齢の患者様の健康管理をサポート。リウマチ性疾患の全てにおいて、患者様一人ひとりのニーズに合わせた専門的なケアを心がけています。バイアグラオンラインも、医薬品の迅速な配送を必要とする方々にとって重要なサービスです。性的機能障害の治療には、信頼のおける医療機関からの安全で確実な治療薬の入手が欠かせません。患者様自身のプライバシーを大切にしながら、簡単で手軽にアクセス可能な治療方法を提供することで、生活の質の向上に貢献しています。バイアグラを含め、疾病の治療に用いられる様々な医薬品が、安心して使用できるよう適切な指導と情報を受けることができるのです。
Prescription Renewals:
We also staff rheumatology clinics at York Hospital in York, Maine.
Masking Policy:
Masks are now optional
Masking is REQUIRED under the following circumstances:
Patients & Visitors Who Test Positive for Covid:
- If you prefer that your medical team wear a mask while in your presence, please do not hesitate to ask. We will comply.
- In the last 48 hours you have had any of the following: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose, fever or chills.
Please isolate for 5 days: with day of testing/symptoms onset being day 0, following a positive test.
You may enter the office 5 days after testing positive for Covid. However, you must wear a mask until you have surpassed your 10th day.
Detailed guidelines are below.
- All patients will receive a confirmation call or text for in person or telehealth appointments.
- Providing care to our patients in a safe, sanitary environment is our top priority. Thank you for your understanding and patience.